
Latest trends in talent management in 2022

Efficient and strong talent management is not only beneficial to employees, but also contributes to the healthy development of the enterprise. In fact, businesses with efficient talent management often perform better than their competitors. However, doing an excellent job of talent management requires a thoughtful and methodical approach. 

Here are some of the key industry trends that hiring, HR, business managers, and executive leadership should be aware of in 2022. 

  1. Employee education, training, and retraining 

Due to factors such as automation and artificial intelligence, 1 billion jobs –about a third of the world’s workforce– will be transformed by 2030. Training and retraining are good for both your workers and your business. A LinkedIn survey found that companies that focus on nurturing employee personal development have reduced employee turnover by 53 percent, which significantly reduces hiring costs and increases business productivity. Employees need to learn new skills and businesses need to stay up to date with the latest technology, which is why employee training is critical to the growth of businesses. Not only that, but many of the technologies that are changing the workplace environment can also be used for modern employee training. For example, augmented reality (AR) can provide employees with a better, more authentic experience at work than traditional videos or books. 

  1. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) 

The forces of diversity, equity and inclusion are more important than a good public image. By focusing on each employee’s unique qualities and backgrounds, such as race, age, religion, ethnicity, etc., Your company can provide a more holistic view and approach to everything from customer service to marketing and problem solving. This diversity will become a capital that can be used to support the healthy development of enterprises. DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) is a strategic and financial advantage for businesses, and it is quickly becoming a priority when choosing a place to work. For example, now rates workers’ satisfaction with DEI. According to a study by HR consultancy Deloitte, three-quarters of companies with world-class talent management programs focus on gender and global diversity. The data shows that diversified companies are 33% more likely to outperform their competitors. Stay on top of your company, implement DEI measures in terms of hiring and retention, and work to diversify your candidate pool. Send out employee questionnaires, set up employee resource groups, and hold town hall meetings on the topic. 

  1. Empathize 

Empathy, an essential element of modern comprehensive and effective talent management, is incorporated into many other talent management trends such as employee experience and flexibility, generous leave policies, training and growth opportunities, and recognition of employees’ personal achievements. Employees agree that face-to-face communication with leaders is the most effective form of communication, so talk to your employees and build strong connections. Be positive about your employees and try to better support their career goals. 

  1. Employment strategies focusing on non-traditional occupations 

Non-traditional employment refers to occupations in which the proportion of one gender in the labor force is less than 25 per cent. 

There is a shortage of truck drivers in the USA, and in an industry traditionally dominated by men, logistics and trucking companies have left out millions of potential female workers who are attracted to stable working hours and handsome salaries. 

By taking notice of this phenomenon and making changes in the transportation industry in 2010, the number of female truck drivers soared by 70% from 2010 to 2018, while perfectly addressing the previous labor shortage. 

Male preschool teacher, or female firefighter. People who choose a career path based on interests and abilities, rather than gender, will be more enthusiastic and engaged in their work. In short, they are better employees and more likely to stick with it. Develop strategies to attract a more gender-diverse workforce and improve your candidate pool. 

  1. Optimize the employee experience 

The employee experience is made up of all the experiences and observations that people have during their tenure at an organization. It is how employees feel about a company. It starts at the first recruiting touchpoint, all the way through onboarding, and finally to the departure. It encompasses everything from personal exposure to physical spaces and workplace culture. 

  1. Break the age group 

That is, rehiring retired employees, research shows that multi-generational workforces will make companies more successful. Proper employment of experienced workforce is a powerful business tool that strengthens the unity of the team, is more conducive to the healthy development of the enterprise and creates a good social image. 

You have heard of interns, so the latest “re-hiring” trend is similar, but there is a twist. The latest to join the workforce are not students or recent graduates, but those on long-term leave or who have previously retired. But before you start thinking it is charity work, consider that nine out of ten talent experts say that multiple generations of labor make companies more successful. Carefully and deliberately hiring a workforce with a variety of experiences is a powerful business tool that strengthens the degree of unity of the team and contributes to the healthy development of the enterprise. 


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